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Governing Board
The Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Governing Board approves federally required plans and transportation policies. The development of transportation plans and programs is coordinated through the Transportation Planning Council (TPC) which makes recommendations to the TPO Governing Board. Citizen Involvement and participation occurs through several community Advisory Committees which advise the TPO Governing Board.

The TPO Governing Board is vested with the responsibility for exercising the powers of the agency within the most populous county in the State of Florida. Operating within one of the largest and most complex multi-jurisdictional regions, the TPO Governing Board oversees federal mandates that include final decisions on all policy matters, adoption, or endorsement of transportation plans and programs, adoption of budgets, approval of agreements or contracts, adoption of rules, and establishing or changing its internal operating structure. The TPO Governing Board is comprised of:

  • Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners
  • An elected official from each of the municipalities with a population over 50,000
  • Appointments by the Governor, representing:
    • Miami-Dade County School Board
    • Municipality-at-Large (within Miami-Dade County)
    • A Non-Elected Official (residing in unincorporated Miami-Dade County)
    • Greater Miami Expressway Agency

The TPO Governing Board is vested with the responsibility for exercising the powers of the TPO including the final decision on all policy matters, adoption or endorsement of transportation plans and programs, adoption of budgets, approval of agreements or contracts, adoption of rules, and establishing or changing its internal operating structure.

The TPO Governing Board is composed of 24 voting members. The current members are:

Prospectus for Transportation Improvements

A poster is also available showing all Governing Board Members.

In addition to the committee structure shown in the Transportation Planning Process flowchart, the TPO Governing Board created three permanent TPO Committees: the Executive Policy Committee, the Transportation and Mobility Committee, and the Fiscal Priorities Committee.

The Executive Policy Committee (EPC) will:

  • review the following: grant applications, legislative proposals, Work Program and Budget, and items for the TPO Board's consideration as deemed appropriate by the Chairperson;
  • provide policy direction in the development of transportation plans and work programs including the TPO Prospectus for Transportation Improvements;
  • survey other comparable regional planning bodies, evaluate the scope of responsibilities vested in the boards referenced above, and submit any recommendations for changes to the structure and composition of the TPO Board and the committees that assist the Miami-Dade TPO;
  • evaluate the annual performance of the TPO Executive Director and making relevant recommendations to the TPO Governing Board.

The Transportation and Mobility Committee (TMC) will:

  • be responsible for identifying immediate opportunities to increase the integration and utilization of existing transportation services;
  • will be asked to forward recommendations to improve the connectivity of the current mass transit providers (municipal circulators, jitney services, Miami-Dade Transit and TriRail);
  • monitor and provide advice concerning the transportation planning process to ensure adequate consideration of regional values such as land use, economic development, and other social, economic and environmental factors in plan development;
  • review projects and planning affecting regional transportation;
  • advise on the compliance of the regional transportation planning process with all applicable federal requirements for maintaining certification;
  • monitor the status of and make recommendations for amendments to the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), and any other planning document that impacts transportation and mobility.

The Fiscal Priorities Committee (FPC) will:

  • concentrate on the programming of transportation dollars to better reflect the immediate priorities of the community;
  • thoroughly evaluate funding recommendations embedded in the planning documents routinely submitted to the TPO for approval;
  • provide recommendations to advance and defer projects in order to respond to the needs of current demographic-employment commuting trends based on the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP);
  • to the extent solutions require additional dollars for capital investments for new intermodal facilities, bus and rail rapid transit, or any other transportation project, the FPC will identify and recommend to the TPO potential funding sources;
  • review the TPO Priority List of Projects and recommend actions for project prioritization and funding to the TPO Governing Board.

These Advisory Committees report directly to the TPO Governing Board:

The TPO Governing Board meets once a month (on a Thursday), starting at 2 pm in the TPO Chambers located at 150 West Flagler Street, Suite 1900, Miami, FL 33130.

For 2025, these meeting dates have been scheduled, but are subject to change:

  • January 30
  • February 27
  • No meeting in March
  • April 24
  • May 29
  • June 26
  • July 17
  • No meeting in August
  • September 25
  • October 30
  • No meeting in November
  • December 4

Dates are subject to change. Click here to see current calendar.

As a result of the 2000 U.S. Census, the Miami Urbanized Area (UZA) encompassed parts of Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. The metropolitan/transportation planning organizations within the region responded by committing to developing and implementing a coordinated regional planning effort. SEFTC was created in 2005, through an Interlocal Agreement, to serve as a formal partnership of the three MPOs to coordinate regional transportation planning for all travel modes and serves as a forum for policy coordination and communication to carry out these regional initiatives. SEFTC’s Board is comprised of three representatives from each of the respective MPOs, is currently chaired by the TPO Chairman, and has numerous committees to support regional coordination efforts.

The SEFTC’s Mission is to coordinate regional transportation goals, activities and investment decisions that support the economic health of the region and quality of life, and the vision is to deliver a seamless, multimodal transportation system that serves and benefits the region.

Learn more about the SEFTC.

For additional information please email Tawana Parker or call 305-375-1812.