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Performance Management Program

Transportation Performance Management (PM) is a strategic approach to connect investment and policy decisions to help achieve safety, mobility and system performance goals. Performance measures are quantitative criteria used to evaluate progress towards those goals. 

Performance measure targets are the benchmarks against which collected data is gauged. PM has been integrated into the transportation planning process framework of Federal Planning Factors, National Performance Goals and Federal Planning Emphasis Areas.

See the Federal and State Planning Requirements and Expectations

The “Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century” Act (MAP-21, adopted July 6, 2012) created the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) to be administered by the FHWA. MAP-21 states that “Performance management will transform the Federal-aid highway program and provide a means to the most efficient investment of Federal transportation funds by refocusing on national transportation goals, increasing the accountability and transparency of the Federal aid highway program, and improving project decision making through performance-based planning and programming.”

Performance measures are required to be established in the areas of:

  • Pavement condition on the Interstate System and on the National Highway System (NHS)
  • Performance of the Interstate System and the NHS
  • Bridge condition on the NHS
  • Safety: Fatalities and serious injuries—both number and rate per vehicle mile traveled--on all public roads
  • Traffic congestion
  • On-road mobile source emissions
  • Freight movement on the Interstate System

The “Fixing America’s Surface Transportation” Act (FAST Act, signed December 4, 2015) maintained the NHPP with minor modifications to the compliance requirements.

MAP-21 also established new asset management and safety requirements for transit providers that include performance measurement programs. The Transit Asset Management (TAM) System (49 USC 5326) requires that the “state of good repair” of the agency’s equipment, rolling stock, infrastructure and facilities be monitored using a performance management system. The TAM final rule sets the performance measures for the required assets as:

  • Equipment (non-revenue service vehicles): The performance measure for non-revenue, support-service and maintenance vehicles equipment is the percentage of those  vehicles that have either met or exceeded their useful life benchmark (ULB)
  • Rolling stock: The performance measure for rolling stock is the percentage of revenue vehicles within a particular asset class that have either met or exceeded their ULB
  • Infrastructure: The performance measure for rail fixed-guideway, track, signals, and systems is the percentage of track segments with performance restrictions
  • Facilities: The performance measure for facilities is the percentage of facilities within an asset class, rated below condition 3 on the Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) scale

For more information on the Miami-Dade TPO’s Performance Management Program contact Kevin Walford by email or at 305-375-2642 for full details.