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Federal Certification

Every four years the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) conduct a review of the Miami-Dade TPO’s transportation planning process, as required by law. The primary purpose of the certification review is to evaluate the TPO’s compliance with Federal regulations.

The Federal Team conducted a site visit with TPO staff on April 13, 2023 that included a comprehensive, interactive discussion explaining the multitude of work products completed and best practices achieved over the last four years. The Federal Team and TPO staff communicated with one another what the required regulations were and how each one was successfully accomplished, respectively. A Public Meeting was also held on April 13 that allowed the general public to speak directly with the Federal Team about Miami-Dade TPO’s transportation planning process.

As a result of this effort, a joint letter from FHWA and FTA was received stating, “…the review determined the existence of a “3-C” metropolitan transportation planning process that satisfies the provisions of 23 U.S.C. 134, 49 U.S.C. 5303/5305, and associated Federal requirements. The Federal Review Team identified five (5) noteworthy practices, no corrective actions, and offers three (3) recommendations to improve the current planning process.…This certification will remain in effect until August 2027.”

View the Federal Certification letter here

The Federal Team conducted a site visit with TPO staff on April 2-3, 2019 that included a comprehensive, interactive discussion explaining the multitude of work products completed and best practices achieved over the last four years. The Federal Team and TPO staff communicated with one another what the required regulations are and how each one was successfully accomplished, respectively. A televised/webcast Public Meeting was also held on April 3rd that allowed the general public to speak directly with the Federal Team about the Miami-Dade TPO’s transportation planning process.

As a result of this effort, a joint letter from FHWA and FTA was received stating, “This review determined that the Miami-Dade TPO continues to satisfy the provisions for metropolitan transportation planning, substantially meeting the requirements of 23 CFR Part 450…This certification will remain in effect until August 2023.” The Federal will attend the November 21, 2019 TPO Governing Board meeting to discuss their findings with the Board.